Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Samuthra - The Princess Of Ocean #6

This is the sixth part of my story. If you didn't read my first five parts, i will provide the link below. Happy reading...

Samuthra - The Princess Of Ocean
To read First part "The Ring Of Love #1" - click here
To read Second part "A Past, that repeats #2" - click here
To read Third part "Between Friends and Love" #3 click here
To read Fourth part "Future too has no mercy #4 click here
To read Fifth part "Me with mine #5" click here

To read Sixth part "Revealing surprises #6" click here

To read Seventh part "A short intro #7" click here
To read Eighth part "A change, which never changes #8" click here
To read Ninth part "Trying to become everything #9" click here
To read Tenth part "The biggest dream of my life #10" click here
To read Eleventh part "Moments #11" click here
To read Twelfth part "Between  Nature and Life #12" click here
To read Thirteenth part "Balancing the life #13" click here

                                                               Revealing surprises #6

When I heard the voice of Riya, I went inside the bedroom and saw her sleeping  in her bed. I stumbled for a second, I heard her voice, but she is sleeping. For a second, I seem confused and within few minutes I blamed it on my mental disease. I used to hear her voice all the time after we got separated. Due to her absence, I used to believe an imaginary Riya. When I am alone I used to talk to her, no one has noticed me doing this till now. That's why no one shocked of seeing me doing this. All I am doing this just to calm my mind and I can't do anything to fill the vacant space that happened after our breakup. 

The time is 7 now and still Riya is sleeping. So I prepared her coffee and poured it into the flask. I prepared breakfast before she got up and sat in the main hall. I saw Riya coming out of her bedroom and sat beside me. "Shall we go? to reveal your surprise," Riya questioned.

"Let's eat and go there, I have prepared your special food.", I replied.

Riya nodded and we both ate our breakfast and became ready to go. Riya got a call and she attended it and said, "We will be there in 15 minutes". She said.

I don't have any idea whom Riya is talking to. I ignored her and didn't ask her about that, because I know she won't tell me anything now. We reached the place and it's the park. I don't have any idea why we were here. I didn't talk anything, I just smiled and smiled and smiled. Whenever I smiled, she replied me with a sarcastic smile. 

When we went there, I heard the voice of my friends. I guessed they were there because they will forget within a minute that they were surpisng me. I heard someone laughing like ghost behind the tree and I guessed it was Pallavi.

And also heard the loud noise of Yamika. When I reached near them, I guessed that they were hiding behind the tree. I thought I should not spoil their surprise, I acted like I didn't hear them and went near the tree.

"Hello, Aahsiv and Riya, we were happy for you both again. Riya it's a pleasure meeting you", everyone said at the same time.

"How was our surprise?", Manasi asked.

"Wow, I just stumbled seeing you guys and I would be more surprised if you guys did it silently", I said in a mocking tone.

"Everyone turned towards Yamika and Pallavi.

 "It is impossible to close their mouth", Varsha said. 

I thought only she can say this because she is the only silent girl in our gang.

I searched for Ishaan and suddenly he came behind me and beat me with his bare hands. And he said, "You both didn't even say to me about this How dare you?". He again slapped me. Without even giving time to react, he slapped again. 

I said, "I just want to give you a surprise and now you guys are surprising me."

Suddenly I saw Riya's face did not seem to be happy of seeing Jhanvi again. I have arranged to make her happy too, to give her a surprise I called Ishwarya and said to come to the place tomorrow. I added I will send you the location after I reached there. 

When I entered the park, I messaged Ishwarya my location. And within a minute she said they are on their way to the park.

"It's happy again meeting you Riya, and I want to thank you for forgetting what Aahsiv did to you", Monu said.

Riya smiled and didn't reply anything. "We thought you were not going to talk to him again and he almost became mad, it feared us more", Surbhi added.

Riya was in the same gesture as she was in before. She just smiled.

After a moment her friends gave her a surprise. She doesn't seem happier at all. It surprised me more and Riya said, "We were going to plant trees here and you thought you were giving surprise for me by calling my friends, but I already invited them. I tricked to make you call them", Riya winked.

"Good play Riya", I said. "Are we going to plant trees?", I questioned.

"Yes, I know you like this more than anything in this world and that's why I arranged this for you", Riya said in a low tone.

I smiled and said, "No one can understand me as you do, I know sorry is not going to heal you, but though I want to say again I am sorry for what I have done to you".

After we planted 30 saplings in the park, we were chatting with our friends separately. We got separated from each other, I thought it's a good idea because anything can happen. My friends don't like them and their friends don't like us.

I signaled Yamika to come and said, "I have a big surprise for you, and Pallavi for you too".

"I have good news for you all and I didn't even tell Riya. I thought I can say when she is with us, but it doesn't seem that she will come here and so I am saying this", I said.

"You know I have been trying to make a film right? Yesterday, I got approval from the top production company that they liked my story and they will sponsor for it.", I added.

"Wow", Everyone said in a surprised tone.

After I revealed this we heard the voice of Ishwarya, she came near us and said, "Riya is crying. We can't console her Aahsiv please come."

I went there and Riya came running towards me and she hugged me telling, "I am sorry for what I did I would not have left you. It's my fault that now you are suffering from this disease."

"Riya it's ok it was not your fault and it can be cured soon, don't worry now be happy I won't leave you at any cause, I promise and nothing will happen. I consulted a doctor and he said that it is nothing to worry about and he added it can be cured very soon.", I though these words will console her.

Now she stopped crying, but she doesn't seem completely alright.

To be continued...

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