Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Samuthra - The Princess Of Ocean #5

This is the fifth part of my story. If you didn't read my first four parts, i will provide the link below. Happy reading...

Samuthra - The Princess Of Ocean
To read First part "The Ring Of Love #1" - click here
To read Second part "A Past, that repeats #2" - click here
To read Third part "Between Friends and Love" #3 click here
To read Fourth part "Future too has no mercy #4 click here
To read Fifth part "Me with mine #5" click here

To read Sixth part "Revealing surprises #6" click here

To read Seventh part "A short intro #7" click here
To read Eighth part "A change, which never changes #8" click here
To read Ninth part "Trying to become everything #9" click here
To read Tenth part "The biggest dream of my life #10" click here
To read Eleventh part "Moments #11" click here
To read Twelfth part "Between  Nature and Life #12" click here
To read Thirteenth part "Balancing the life #13" click here

                                                              Me with mine #5

I woke up and came out of the bedroom after I heard the voice which said, " Aahsiv I am gonna kill you". Everyone in there seem to be shocked, but I smiled and guessed the voice. 

He helped me to meet Riya again and I didn't tell him we reunited after that meeting. I thought he is very much angry and that's why he is shouting like this. When Ishaan opened the door, everyone in there laughed and he was shocked for a second to see Riya's friends there. Suddenly he signaled me to come out. Though Ishaan knows Riya's friends, he didn't even greet them. We both went out and I came home after Riya's friends went. 

After hearing the door sound Riya shouted, "Ishaan?". 

"He left, he said he will come tomorrow to meet us", I answered. "I will take rest for sometime Riya", I added. And went inside the bedroom and closed my eyes for some time.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Riya sitting near me and reading a book. I saw the title of the book. It's "Half girlfriend", I sighed and said, "I know you are doing this for me Riya, you hate reading books, but why are doing this for me? You have changed yourself a lot for me".

She replied, "I am not doing this for you dear, you were sleeping and I felt bore. So I took this book and started reading it. But after reading I can understand why you guys get addicted to reading books. It does something, but don't have the patience to understand that something." She became silent for a moment and she showed me a chapter and she read it and said, "I liked this chapter very much, the hero is doing such a thing to find a girl it's touching and another interesting part is the name of the female protagonist is Riya isn't that nice?" after saying this she smiled like a small child.

I started talking after hearing all her conversation and said, "Whether in the story or in real life, we boys will do anything for the girl whose name is Riya."

"Riya - The companion of my life," I said and hugged her.

"Missed your talks Aahsiv, Ok let's sleep now, I have a surprise for you tomorrow." She said and slept.

"Surprise..? It is cruel revealing that you have a surprise tomorrow please give me any clue to guess", I begged.

"Go to sleep Aahsiv" she murmured.

After thinking for a while, I thought to ask her and I saw that she has already slept.

A sudden thought came to me that I forgot to give her that ring. I checked for the ring in my pocket. It was there and I took the ring and kept in my bag. And I kissed her forehead and slept within a minute.

A book will always make us feel like traveling in the virtual world. The number of readers was decreasing in the past few years and it's so disappointing. Aahsiv was a storyteller and also a good writer. His aim in his life is to release his first book. And he has a big ambition too, his ambition is to direct his own story and release it in the cinema. He strongly believes that he can make a change by his film and his writings. He is also a social activist and service-minded person.

And last but not least, his friends always help him be motivated and the secret of his success is his friends. There are 11 friends in their gang. Already he has introduced you two of them, Jhanvi and Sam and they are a couple who are very soon going to get married. And he will introduce all his other friends in his upcoming episodes.

As usual, I woke up early at 5 AM and Riya was sleeping. Without disturbing her, I came out of the bedroom and began to think as usual.

I am feeling alive these days because the days were not moving fastly without her three months before. Like everyone says life is meaningless without our soul mate. It's true and I don't know what would have happened if we didn't meet her again. I think the words would have become real.

The moment I said "words" my body shivered and those are true haunting words. Two years ago, when we were together, Riya once asked me, "What will you do, if I left you?"

The moment she asked the question, lots of thoughts running through my head. I held all those thoughts and suddenly said, "I will become mad without you Riya",

On that day when I said those words, it seems powerful and if Riya hadn't come again, I would have become mad.

Many of them can mock me that am an idiot and my words may sound stupid to you. But the real truth is I have to live with that memories till the end of my life. It is so haunting, only when you experience it, you can able understand that.

And I.....

"Ahhhhh....", Riya shouted and I suddenly ran to the bedroom and saw...a..... big...

To be continued...

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