Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Through the windows

Whenever we travel, we prefer to sit near the window, not only because of the more air we get near the window, but also we admire more by seeing the outside world. It’s quite a different feel and it’s like refreshment in everyone’s life. We travel to fulfill our dreams. A window seat during our journey makes sense for many of them either we dream or we admire those green scenarios. But a dream is all about tomorrow and it associated with future happenings Right? A dream cannot be realized or foreseen “A dream is just a dream”. And also we can say it as 'a longing desires'. Everyone likes to dream and work hard to fulfill it.

And on the other hand, we have both good and bad memories. It’s completely about the past. Those will be precious to some and haunting for many. It’s all about how we see it. And why it’s haunting for many of them? Whether they can’t let them go or they don’t want them to let it go. Memories, not just a past thing to get rid of. Memories do carry lots of pain and suffering in it. And it’s not easy to forget it. We lived in it and we are going to live with it.

Does there anything like balancing those dreams and memories? I think yes, we have to balance both of them. When memories rule us, we refuse to dream and when dreams rule us, we refuse to recollect our past memories. And hence we always fail to balance these two life’s tools. Dream vs Memories, which one will hurt you the most?. Everyone will say Memories as your answer and yes it’s true because it’s our experience and we have come from that and we lived. We deserve those, but the truth is it’s so haunting for many. When memories dominate, you will get confused and you can’t get out from that and you can’t feel time. Time just goes off as fast as it can.

When the dreams dominate you, you will be boosted towards your goal. And don’t forget that, Dreaming is all about making it happen. But, living with your dreams and not working for your future doesn’t make any sense Right?

Here, I would like to tell you that, Memories or Dreams, both have to be considered as a passing cloud. Memories teach us our mistakes and Dreams teach us, our purpose in our life. So consider both as a passing one, like a tree or a mountain passing you, while you were admiring “Through the windows” of your life’s journey.
