Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

5 Best and easy ways to increase your English vocabulary

Are you interested in learning English vocabulary and have you not found any best ways to make it happen? If so, then here are few best and easy ways that will help you increase your English vocabulary in a smart way, as smart work always helps things happen easier than hard work.

Vocabulary is a set of words in a language. Let us travel down to know the best ways to increase your English vocabulary..

1) Have reading practice:

Reading is the method of letting your eyes look into the text and understand it and thus increases our comprehension that is the capacity to understand. Reading makes us discover new words. We will start finding many words when we read a context. Reading at least 1 page a day helps us a lot. You can read newspapers, magazines, stories, or blogs of your own to understand how words are organised in sentences. This is the first step to increase your English vocabulary.

You might wonder how reading can increase your vocabulary. A daily practice of reading will help you make wonders as you might find the same word you already read in another context and soon words become familiar to you. This is the entry level guide for you.

2) Learn it and use it:

You might think reading and learning is the same. But there is a slight difference. When you read something you simply pronounce the words and move on in page and understand the context only with familiar words. But when you find a new word with its meaning unknown, you can still read it but cannot understand the meaning. This is where learning is required.

Learning is the activity of gaining knowledge. When you learn words you will acquire skills to understand its meaning. So whenever you read words, learning helps you understand the entire context in a full-fledged manner. So reading and  learning must work together to increase your English vocabulary. 

Learning alone is not important. When you learn a meaning for a particular word but fail to use it, then you will forget the learnt words. Learning becomes strong only when you start using it. Usage of words become difficult when you do not know how to pronounce it. This can be learnt by listening to English movies and  know how conversations are made between people through pronunciation of words. This will also enhance your listening skills. Once you start using the learnt words it decreases the chance of memorizing and help us use the words naturally as it becomes familiar due to frequent usage.

3) Play word related games:

We all love playing games. Why don’t we have fun playing games in a way that helps us increase our vocabulary? There are various ways to learn new words. Learning can be done in many ways according to our interest. Playing word building games naturally increases our vocabulary and also motivates us to go to the next level when it comes to a game. It is not only the next level you enter into the word game but also you enter the next level of reading and learning new words. Try it and it will really work out.

4) Share with your friends:

Teaching is an another form of learning. Whatever you learn should be made selfless that is, it should help others. This is a double benefit. Once you share the words you learn with your friends the person with whom you share will come to know a new word and you will have a revision of what you have learnt. So start teaching others and share with everyone to make words familiar.

5) Make a routine:

Routine  is the order of activities regularly followed. This is the most important step to lead you to your destination. You should have a regular practice of reading and learning.  Reading and learning is not enough, using the learnt words and teaching it makes it entirely successful to increase your English vocabulary. 

Schedule your time to read a page and learn words. Reading, learning, listening and using words,teaching words to others everything is inter-related. These four things must work together in a routine to increase your English vocabulary. Work smart. Keep these best ways in your mind and schedule your time accordingly and start adding new words to your vocabulary list.

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