Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13


Learning new things each day help us grow. Knowing grammar and learning new words alone is not important to increase vocabulary. Knowing the pronunciation also has equal importance to increase our vocabulary. Here is a concept which helps us pronounce a word by splitting a particular word and reading it in an easier way. The concept is syllabification. Let us dive into the topic..

Syllabification is the process of splitting a word in a way the particular word has to be pronounced and the number of times we use our tongue to pronounce a word that is the part of pronunciation is called syllable. This helps one to learn how to pronounce a word in an easier way by slowly reading according to the mode of split done for the particular word based on its types. Here are various types of syllabification based on the split.

What are the types of syllabification?

To know more about this let us continue reading..

1) Monosyllabic words:

   Words having only one syllable is called monosyllabic words. (Here the words have no split needed while pronouncing).

   Eg: Book





are few monosyllabic words. As these words are pronounced as a single word without any split it is called monosyllabic words.

2) Disyllabic words:

   Words having two syllables are called disyllabic words.(Here the words get split into two while pronouncing).

   Eg: De-lay





are few disyllabic words. As these words are pronounced in two splits it is called disyllabic words.

3) Trisyllabic words:

   Words having three syllables are called trisyllabic words. (Here the words get split into three while pronouncing).

   Eg: Cru-sa-der





are few trisyllabic words. As these words are pronounced in three splits it is called trisyllabic words.

4) Tetrasyllabic words:

   Words having four syllables are called tetrasyllabic words. (Here the words get split into four while pronouncing).

   Eg: E-qua-li-ty





are few tetrasyllabic words.As these words are pronounced in four splits it is called tetrasyllabic words.

5) Pentasyllabic words:

   Words having five syllables are called pentasyllabic words. (Here the words get split into five while pronouncing).

   Eg: A-to-mi-sa-tion





are few pentasyllabic words. As these words are pronounced in five splits it is called pentasyllabic words.

6) Polysyllabic words:

   Words having more than five syllables are called polysyllabic words. (Here the words get split into more than five while pronouncing).

   Eg: Sy-la-bi-fi-ca-tion(6 syllables)

       Te-le-com-mu-ni-ca-tion(7 syllables) 

are few polysyllabic words. As these words are pronounced in more than five splits it is called polysyllabic words.

Learn this concept so that you will know how words are split and it will make your pronunciation easier.

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