Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Hindu editorial #5


Targeting Hezbollah: On Israeli attack in Lebanon


The Israeli attacks on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon following what it called “cross border fires” mark a significant escalation (Increase in seriousness to counteract aggression) in the crisis that has been building up along the border in recent years. Hezbollah, a Shia militia (one of the two main branches of orthodox of Islam in which civilians are trained as soldiers) -cum-political party in Lebanon, and Israel, which have fought two wars before, have been observing a tenuous ceasefire (Lacking the significance of peace agreement) for 14 years. Tensions began after Israel’s targeting of Iranian weapons and supplies within Syria. Israel fears that Iranian supplies to Hezbollah via Syria, where the Shia militias fought alongside regime fighters against rebels (A person who takes part in an armed group fighting against the constituted authority) and Sunni jihadists, would leave them stronger, enhancing Israel’s security challenges in the northern border. In July, a Hezbollah commander was killed in an Israeli raid in Syria for which the group had vowed retaliation (Action taken in revenge). Since then, there have been attempts to target troops on Israel’s borders with Lebanon and Syria, according to Israel. In Tuesday’s attacks, Israel targeted an observation post, which the Israeli Defence Forces claimed was used by Hezbollah for intelligence collection. The raid, at a time when Israel was carrying out an air campaign in Gaza, shows the growing appetite (feeling of craving something) of the newly formed unity government of Netanyahu, under fire at home over its handling of the COVID-19 crisis, for war as a means to address the simmering (burning issue) border problems.


Hezbollah has been a tough target for Israel. In 2000, after 18 years of occupation of southern Lebanon, Israel was forced to withdraw mainly due to the fighting of Hezbollah. In 2006, Israel invaded Lebanon, aimed at destroying Hezbollah’s military capabilities. But after a month of Israeli aerial and land attacks, even on the day of the ceasefire, Hezbollah fired hundreds of short-range rockets into northern Israel. Ever since, both sides have been wary (Marked by caution) of another open conflict. Israel, which has bombed Gaza several times since its 2005 withdrawal from the strip, had been careful when it came to Hezbollah. The militants, on the other side, turned their focus to capacity building after the 2006 war, and, since 2011, to the civil war in Syria. The Baathist Syria has been a vital link between Hezbollah and Iran ever since the group was founded in the early 1980s. Mr. Assad has survived the civil war, and Iran has substantially increased its footprint in Syria, bolstering (strengthening) the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah axis. Israel sees this axis as a growing security challenge and hence, started the bombing operations in Syria, risking another conflict with Hezbollah. The past two wars suggest that it would not be easy for Israel, despite its military might, to defeat the battle-hardened Hezbollah fighters at their base. Hezbollah, on the other side, might resist an Israeli attack, but risks pulling Lebanon, already battling an economic crisis, political instability and the after-effects of the Beirut blast, into a wider war. Both sides should avert (prevent the occurrence of)  such an outcome and stick to the ceasefire.




Hezbollah, a Shia militia-cum-political party in Lebanon and Israel, Shia militia is one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam in which civilians are trained as army. Israel attacks on Hezbollah targets in South Lebanon builds seriousness between two countries due to this cross-border fires. Hezbollah fought two wars before and came into a peace agreement for 14 years. But now after Israeli attack the tension between these two countries seems to be rising. Israel attack is mainly due to fear of weapon supplies between Iran and Syria. The weapons are supplied by Iran, via Syria to Hezbollah. The Syria is favouring Hezbollah because, the Shia militia helped Syria to fight against the rebels and Sunni Jihadists. This favour made Hezbollah to grow more stronger in power against Israel. And the Israeli has to face more challenges in safeguarding their borders. In July, Israeli killed a commander of Hezbollah and they are seeking for the revenge against Israel. In Tuesday’s attacks, Israel targeted an observation post, which the Israeli Defence Forces claimed was used by Hezbollah for intelligence collection. Israel’s carrying air campaign in Gaza shows that it secures in borders in the amid of COVID - 19 pandemic.


Hezbollah was a tough target for Israel. In 2000, Israel was doing business in South Lebanon and it was forced to get out of the country by the Hezbollah. In 2006, Israel invaded Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah. Hezbollah attacked many of the places in North Israel and even on the date of peace agreement, Hezbollah destroyed many of the Israeli places. After this, now there is a rising seriousness between them. Israel has bombed Gaza several times after its withdrawal of 2005, but when it comes to Hezbollah Israel takes its step very carefully. The Hezbollah focussed on capacity building after the 2006 war and civil war in Syria in 2011. The Baathist Syria are in good relationship between Hezbollah and Iran since it is founded in 1980s. Mr. Assad, President of Syria has survived in the civil war and strengthen their relationship between both of them. Israel see this, as a challenging issue for them and they are trying to remove Syria in this by attacking them risking their conflict with Hezbollah. It is not easy for Israel to attack Hezbollah. It is not fair that Hezbollah risks Lebanon in this, already it is facing many crises after the blast in Beirut. Lebanon is now facing economic, political instability. Both of them should avoid war because of Lebanon’s difficult situation within the country.

 Today’s synonyms


·       Escalation - Increase in seriousness to counteract aggression

·       Shia militia - one of the two main branches of orthodox of Islam in which civilians are trained as soldiers

·       Tenuous ceasefire - Lacking the significance of peace agreement

·       Rebels - A person who takes part in an armed group fighting against the constituted authority

·       Retaliation - Action taken in revenge

·       Appetite - feeling of craving something

·       Simmering - burning issue

·       Bolstering – strengthening

·       Avert - prevent the occurrence of

·       Wary - Marked by caution

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