Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Few synonyms and antonyms with its meaning

Hey guys...Let us start this day by learning new words. Here are few synonyms and antonyms to learn. Let us dive into it..

Meanings for words can be shortly called as synonyms. Here are few synonyms for you to learn..

📖 Blaspheming - cursing.
📖 Poke - interfere.
📖 Muster - gather.
📖 Devour - to eat quickly.
📖 Desperate - hopeless.

Opposites for words can be shortly said to be antonyms. We often go wrong in exams especially when writing antonyms for a word. Don't worry guys practice makes it clear and perfect. Here are few antonyms for you to learn..

🆇 Whet x blunt.
   Here whet means sharp/sharpen.

🆇 Preening x dirtying.
   Here preening means cleaning.

🆇 Hoarse x smooth.
   Here hoarse means rough.

🆇 Bifurcated x united.
   Here bifurcated means splitted.

🆇 Hardly x frequently.
   Here hardly means scarcely/not often.

Knowing synonyms and antonyms is equally important to increase your vocabulary. Understand the meaning of words and start using it.

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