Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Start Questioning......!

"If you do not know how to ask the right question,you 
  discover nothing"
                                                - Edwards Deming
Have anyone found it difficult to frame questions to clear your doubts? Most of them are really facing this problem. Ans hence, it led to many of the doubts are not clarified completely. Learning makes us grow, but when you are not clear with something, asking questions to make the doubts cleared is more essential. For getting all the doubts cleared and for a perfect learning, framing questions is needed. Today here are the Two common types of Questions.

Two types of Questions:

1. Yes/No Questions.
2. "Wh" Questions.

Here is a brief explanation about the two types of questions:

1.Yes/No Questions:
   - it is a type of question used in situations when the expected answers is either yes/no.

   Yes-it is used when someone agree with something.
   No-it is used when someone disagree with something.
   Eg:1)Is she coming?
           Yes,she is coming.

        2)Do you like coffee?
           No,I don't like coffee.

2. "Wh" Questions:
   -it is a type of question which requires answers as an information and not a Yes/No reply.
   -There are various "Wh" question words.
  They are:

  ❓ What - it is used to refer to specific information.
      Eg: What are you doing?

  ❓ Where - it is used to refer to a place/particular location.
      Eg: Where are you?
  ❓ Who - it is used to refer to people.
      Eg: Who did this?

  ❓ Why - it is used to refer to a reason/cause for some occurrence.
      Eg: Why are you crying?

  ❓ When - it is used to refer to a time/an occasion.
      Eg: When did it start?

  ❓ How - it is used to refer to the manner of something done.
      Eg: How are you?

  ❓ Which - it is used to refer to make choices.
      Eg: Which way are you going?

Here are few common "Wh" Questions:
  -What is your name?
  -What is your phone number?
  -Where are you from?
  -Who are you looking for?
  -Why are you late?
  -When did they plan for the party?
  -How old are you?
  -Which is your favorite color?
Understanding the usage of question words help everyone to frame questions easily.This helps to clear doubts. The above question words would have given a clear idea of how to use it while questioning. Start using it.

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Start Questioning..
Happy Learning!!!



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