Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Hindu editorial #6


Appropriate strategy: On India banning more China apps


The blocking of a hundred more Chinese mobile applications suggests that the Indian government, not for the first time in recent months, wants to make it amply (-fully or sufficiently) clear that it will not shy away from leveraging (-the power to influence people to get the certain results) its position as a massive market for technology in dealing with potentially dangerous geopolitical issues. Since June, when the border tensions between India and China turned ugly, the government has till now stepped in thrice to block many Chinese applications in one go. In the latest such decision, on Wednesday, it blocked 118 apps, including the widely popular gaming app, PUBG, as well as WeChat Work and Baidu, owing to these being “prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India (-Causing harm to Indian freedom and undivided nation), defense of India, the security of State and public order”. Over 200 Chinese apps, which were accessed by millions of Indian users, have been blocked in all to date. The decision has been taken based on several complaints, a press release said, of these apps “stealing and surreptitiously (-silently or suspiciously) transmitting users’ data in an unauthorized manner to servers which have locations outside India”. It could be argued that loss of access to the Indian market will sharply affect the ambitions of the Internet giants emerging from China, but it remains to be seen if this tech-side intervention is effective as a counter in a geopolitical fight. Also, how far can India go to keep the Chinese players, who are well entrenched (- established firmly and securely) in the global tech supply chain, off the Indian market without prejudicing its own growth?


It is difficult to argue against decisions that are taken on the plank(A decision which was already taken by the government) of national security, especially one arrived at by invoking the government’s power under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, a section upheld by the courts previously. But it would be well argued that the Indian approach should have followed due process, where the focus was on ensuring compliance (-Acting according to certain accepted standards) with the law. Instead, the Indian response to complaints has been to straight away block these apps en masse (All together). Meanwhile, millions of Indians who were engaging with these platforms, some gainfully, have to scramble (- Move or look) for alternatives. To add to this, the data protection law, a dire (-Threatful) need in this age, is not yet there. All this does not bode (a sign of something yet to come) well for a country with aspirations of global leadership of tech, an industry which thrives (Grow vigorously) on global networks and rules. Ironically, China, which for years has unleashed (-Released) widespread censorship of information and kept apps from outside off its Internet, has found a rare chance to take the moral high ground. It has criticized India’s move, accusing it of “abusing the concept of national security”. The last thing India needs is to be compared with China as far as its Internet regulation goes. It certainly needs a more considered approach to tech regulation.



The banning of many Chinese apps by the Indian government clearly shows that India will never feel shy to show its influence in its massive Indian tech market, especially when it comes to the nation's security. From June month, the tension between China and India grew serious and as a result of that, the Indian government banned many Chinese apps. On Wednesday, 118 Chinese apps were banned, among those some of those are the most popular apps like PUBG, WeChat and Baidu. Till now over 200 Chinese apps were banned. This ban is particularly due to stealing of data of the users and transmitting to the unauthorized servers, the stolen data's location were from outside India. But here the argument goes on, as many say, this ban affects many of the Chinese internet giants and leads the Indian market unreachable for many of the Chinese people. But it has seen as an apt counter for these geopolitical fights. And we have to wait and see how far India can go in this because Chinese apps had played a vital role in global tech.


But. this argument cannot be compromised especially when it comes to the security of a nation. And the government has the power to ban under Section 69A, of the Information Technology act 2000. Even though the government has the power to do so, there is some due process and some steps to be followed before banning the applications, instead of doing that, the Indian government directly moved towards the last steps i.e.…, it banned the applications. On another side, many of the Indians who were engaged with these Chinese applications have to look for alternatives. This shows that the laws of Information technology have to be updated. This type of action seems like a threat to the upcoming aspirants of global leadership of tech, which grows and will grow vigorously in the future. Though China has more global outreach in this tech firm, it failed to maintain some moral backgrounds. Chinese officials criticized the Indian official's statement by accusing the “abusing concept of national security”. As far as this issue is concerned, India needs to consider more in these tech regulations.


Today’s synonyms

1.    Amply - fully or sufficiently

2.    Leveraging - the power to influence people to get the certain results

3.    Prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India - Causing harm to freedom and secularism of the nation

4.    Surreptitiously - silently or suspiciously

5.    Plank - A decision which was already taken by the government

6.    Compliance - acting according to  certain accepted standards

7.    en masse - All together

8.    Scramble - Move or look

9.    Dire - Threatful

10.  Thrives - Grow vigorously

11.  Unleashed – Released


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