Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Say goodbye to old way of responding #3

It's easy
1) It's a piece of cake
2) I find it very easy
3) It's pretty straightforward
4) It's no trouble
5) Its simple
6) It's not complicated at all

I m sorry
1) I apologize
2) My mistake
3) I owe you an apology
4) I would like to apologise
5) Oh my bad!

Would u mind repeating that
1) Pardon?
2) Do you mind repeating that?
3) Could you please repeat that?
4) Sorry.i didnt catch that.can u repeat?

What do u think?
1) What is your opinion?
2) Any idea?
3) What is your view on that?
4) What are your thoughts on that?

I m busy
1) I'm up to my neck
2) I am swamped
3)I'm tied up
4) I have lots to do
5) I don't have time for that
6) I am slammed
7) I have got a lot on my plate

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