Samuthra - The Princess of Ocean #13

Prepositions of Time

"Education is the most powerful weapon
 which you can use to change the world"
                                                         - Nelson Mandela.

We have 24 hours each day. We are accountable to make it valuable to learn new things. Small endeavors taken each day to learn new things will give us more information in the end. Today, let us take few steps to learn a new concept that is "Prepositions of Time".

We already know that preposition is one among the 8 parts of speech and describes where someone/something is. You may think how preposition of time differs from preposition. To know more about this, let us quickly enter into the concept.

"Prepositions of Time" is used to show when something happened.
The common Prepositions of Time are:

We all use the above prepositions of time often. But at times, we get confused where to use "in", "on", and "at". To get a clear idea, let us continue reading..

    - On + days of the week (on Monday, on Tuesday..)
    Eg: They are open on Sundays but not on Mondays.

    - On + days of the week followed by morning, afternoon, evening/night.
     (on Monday morning, on Sunday afternoon..)
    Eg: I would like to check in on Saturday evening.

    - On + Dates (on April 29th,on September 1st..)
    Eg: My birthday is on April 29th.

    - In + months(in April, in May..)
    Eg:  They celebrated the party in April.

    - In + year(in 2000,in 2014..)
    Eg: Nelson Mandela was born in 1918.

    - In + parts of the day(except night)
      (in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon)
    Eg: I do yoga in the morning.

    - In + the decade(in the 1920s,in the 60s..)
    Eg: She was educated in France in the 1990s.

    - In + the century(in the 20th century..)
    Eg: We are living in the 21st century.

    - In + season(in winter, in summer..)
    Eg: We wear woolen clothes in winter.

    - At + time (at 2 o'clock, at 2:00pm..)
    Eg: I always go to bed at 10 o'clock.

Now we can use these words while speaking and writing without any confusion.

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